(Interactions in Cosmic and Atmospheric Particle Systems) is an
international scientific programme for measurements under microgravity
conditions. This ESA fundamental physics project (now in phase B)
should be operational on board the ISS in 2008. A precursor instrument
I2SP (Impact Icaps Science Precursor) will operate from 2006.
Light scattering measurements, scientific
Example of a scientific objective: infer from cometary
polarimetric phase functions and from their wavelength dependence the
physical properties of the light scattering aggregates.
scattering measurements with ICAPS allow the monitoring of the
brightness and polarization of the light scattered by dust particles,
and by the aggregates and regoliths that they progressively form. Such
measurements indeed require microgravity conditions to avoid particles
sedimentation, and long duration experiments to allow the formation of
structural analogues of natural aggregates and regoliths. It is then
possible to:
• Deduce,
without any ambiguity, the physical properties (morphology, size
distribution, porosity…) of some natural media (atmospheric aerosols,
cometary dust, regoliths, interplanetary dust cloud, circumstellar
disks…) from observations of the solar or stellar light they scatter.
• Validate light scattering codes for irregular aggregates of dust
particles and regoliths, with special emphasis on the exploration of
the backscattering region.
Light scattering
unit, instrumental concept
The experimental
feasibility was tested through light scattering measurements performed
in the laboratory and during numerous parabolic flight campaigns with PROGRA2.
It relies on the technical heritage of the
light scattering experiment (built at Service d’Aéronomie) for
European sounding rocket instrument CODAG-SRE.
The unit (under development at Service d'Aéronomie and ULB) is
along an
equatorial ring inserted on the wall of the experimental chambers
(where the aggregation processes are taking place). Through about 25
vacuum-tight optical windows (corresponding to phase angles ranging
from the near backscattering region to 170°), it allows the
simultaneous determination of the brightness and polarization phase
curves in three wavelengths (blue, red, near infrared), as well as the
retrieval of the Stokes parameters leading to a better knowledge of the
interactions between the grains building an aggregate and of the
multiple scattering phenomena.
principle of the light scattering unit, with the
analysers mounted on a ring around the agglomeration chamber
- A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
M. Cabane, V. Haudebourg,
J.C. Worms, Light
scattering experiments under microgravity conditions, Earth, Moon,
Planets, 80, 343-368, 1998
- A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
M. Cabane, E.
Chassefière, V.
Haudebourg, J.C. Worms, The CODAG Light Scattering Experiment for light
scattering measurements by dust particles and their aggregates, Adv.
Space Res., 23, 7, p. 1271-1277, 1999
- J.C. Worms, J.B. Renard,
E. Hadamcik, A.C.
Levasseur-Regourd, J.F.
Gayet, Results of the PROGRA2 experiment: an experimental study in
microgravity of scattered polarised light by dust particles with large
size parameter, Icarus, 142, 1, p. 281-297, 1999
- J.C. Worms, J.B. Renard,
E. Hadamcik, N. Brun-Huret,
Levasseur-Regourd, The PROGRA2 light scattering instrument, Planet.
Space Sci., 48, 493-505, 2000
- E. Hadamcik, J.B.
Renard, J.C. Worms, A.C.
Levasseur-Regourd, M.
Masson, Polarization of light scattered by fluffy particles (PROGRA2
experiment), Icarus, 155, 497-508, 2002
- E. Hadamcik, J.B.
Renard, A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
J.C. Worms,
Polarimetric study of levitating dust aggregates with the PROGRA2
experiment, Plan. Space Sci., 50, 895-901, 2002
- A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
E. Hadamcik, Light scattering
by irregular dust
particles in the solar system: observations and interpretation by
laboratory measurements, J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer, 79-80,
903-910, 2003
- E. Hadamcik, J.B.
Renard, A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
J.C. Worms, Relevance
of laboratory light scattering measurements on natural particles with
the PROGRA2 experiment, J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer, 79-80,
679-693, 2003
- A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
Cosmic dust physical
properties and the ICAPS
facility on board the ISS, Adv. Space Res., 31/12, 2599-2606, 2003
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